2014年12月16日 星期二

Winter Updates

Back from the ski trip, Mister is not here this time. I had a great time with friends, but I would rather have a night in with Mister than going out every night, just like what we did in Val Thorens.

It is interesting how you think about someone at the beginning, and it turns out into something else totally different. I have always thought it will only be a short term thing between me and Mister, but now I can see something more can possibly happen. I am turning 20 next year, so I said to Mister, 'Are you still going to be there?'. He answered with an unbelievable face, and an 'Of course!'. I said, 'Nah, I just think you may ditch me once I get to 21 or so, younger, prettier girls out there.'. And he said, 'I think women are the best at their 24/25, and you will be amazing at that time.'

It sounds ideal to me. If things end at my 24, I still have a good 2-years to meet someone new, and if things go well, I can get married at 26/27, and become a mother before 30 as I have always planned. I will invite Mister to my wedding, he has to be there. He is one of the rare ones that really care about me apart from my family. We are lucky.


[Poetic Mode ON]

In fact, I don't believe in luck.

But I do believe we have known each other since forever, though. When the Big Bang happened, all the atoms in the universe, they were all collided together into one little dot that exploded outwards. So my atoms and your atoms were certainly together then, and who knows, probably smashed together several times in the last 13.7 billion years.

My atoms have known your atoms and they have always known your atoms.

My atoms have always loved your atoms.