2016年10月20日 星期四

Lesson taught by the Past

I was often worried that I held onto the habit of Mister too much.

Truth is, after I started to 'move forward' with Doctor especially, the more I understand how I have never actually let the past governed myself. I didn't regret any moment or time that I have spent with Mister and I still look forward to more. Realizing that this is not a 'mistake' I made feels terrible but enlightening.

You see, I am not writing this to judge myself, whether if having a married lover is right or wrong, wise or stupid. I am here to reflect yourself.

Being alone could be sad sometimes. I cried less often because I couldn't with the presence of Doctor, but it doesn't mean this is any better than without him.

Don't be scared. Be brave.

2016年10月19日 星期三

It's been 4 years.


